Ultrasound Body Contouring


Feedsee Medical : Ultrasound Body Contouring : Tracking and guidance software targets and disrupts fat, leaving rest intact

Ultrasound body contouring, also known as ultrasound-assisted liposuction or ultrasonic cavitation, is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure designed to reshape and sculpt the body by removing excess fat deposits. This technique is often used for areas of the body that have proven resistant to diet and exercise, such as the abdomen, thighs, and upper arms.

UltraShape was been named the Ultrasonic Industry Association's (UIA) New Product for 2007. The system, based on focused ultrasound technology, was a clinically proven non-invasive body contouring solution for both men and women. It targeted and disrupted fat, leaving surrounding structures such as skin, blood vessels, and nerves intact. The contouring procedure was guided by real-time tracking and guidance software that delivers smooth, uniform body contouring results. The software follows a pre-determined treatment algorithm to minimize risk of contour irregularities, a common side effect of liposuction which is highly technique-sensitive surgical procedure. The procedure wais performed during a convenient, walk-in, walk-out session carried out in an office-based environment; it required no anesthesia or sedation, and the majority of patients reported no pain or discomfort. After treatment, patients immediately resumed their daily routines and there was no need for maintenance.

The procedure works by using ultrasound technology to target fat cells. High-frequency sound waves are directed at the area of concern, which causes the fat cells to vibrate and heat up. This process disrupts the fat cells, causing them to dissolve or liquefy. Once the fat cells are broken down, they can be naturally eliminated by the body's lymphatic system.

Here are some key features of ultrasound body contouring:

  1. Non-Invasive: Unlike traditional liposuction, which requires incisions and suction tubes, ultrasound body contouring is a non-invasive procedure. This results in less discomfort and a shorter recovery time.
  2. Targeted Treatment: Ultrasound body contouring can be used to target specific areas of the body that have been resistant to other weight loss methods.
  3. Outpatient Procedure: Ultrasound body contouring is typically performed as an outpatient procedure, meaning you can go home the same day.
  4. No General Anesthesia: The procedure doesn't typically require general anesthesia, reducing the risks associated with such procedures.
  5. Quick Results: While results can vary, many people notice a difference in the shape of their body after just one or two treatments. However, for the best results, multiple sessions are usually recommended.