AI art

AI art refers to artworks created using artificial intelligence technologies and algorithms. AI art emerged in recent years with advances in machine learning techniques like neural networks. By analyzing large datasets of images and artworks, AI systems can be trained to generate new images and other media that exhibit artistic creativity. Different approaches to AI art include generative adversarial networks that pit two neural nets against each other, deep dreaming algorithms that manipulate images to create psychedelic and surrealistic styles, and style transfer that renders images in the style of famous painters.

AI art raises interesting philosophical questions around human versus machine creativity, ownership of the work, and whether AI art constitutes a distinct artistic genre. While some view AI artworks as lacking human intentionality, others focus on the human-machine collaboration involved in directing and refining the output. Prominent AI artists include Obvious which sold an AI-generated portrait at Christie's auction house in 2018.

As the technology continues evolving rapidly, AI art promises to expand access to art and unlock new creative possibilities using algorithms. But it also necessitates discussions around proper acknowledgement of data sources and training processes. Overall, AI art represents an emerging field at the intersection of technology and human creativity with considerable potential and risks.